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A car can be a life-long dream, a simple tool or even the present you never gave yourself. Whatever your case, unforeseen events are the same for all drivers. Is it worth gambling?

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Línea Directa offers its customers car insurance with many advantages: 24-hour and 7-day a week assistance, online services, free choice of garage and several payment methods. 

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Tips for Expats

In this section, you will find important information to help you on a daily basis and with your insurance.


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With just a few clics, Línea Directa will send you a towing service.
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It’s time to call and give them good news worth up to €300 in cash.

Car Insurance

One of the reasons why Línea Directa is the undisputed leader in the insurance industry in Spain is undoubtedly due to flexible products appropriate to customer needs regarding Car or Motorcycle Insurance.

When taking out insurance for your vehicle, it is advisable to have good knowledge of the special features of each type of insurance. Only then can you be sure that it really fits your needs. At Línea Directa, there are three types of Car Insurance.