With Línea Directa Home Insurance coverage, you will be covered under any circumstance, whether you are the owner of the home with the right of use, or if you are the owner of a rented home or the tenant. Choose the product that best suits your circumstances.
Fire, explosion and implosion
In case of fire, explosion and implosion, damage to the insured property will be covered up to the limit of 100% of the sum insured for the Building and/or Contents.
See coverageAtmospheric phenomena
According to the definitions in the general conditions and limits included in the Special Conditions of the policy, damage caused by lightning, wind, rain, snow, floods, and hail are considered to be damage caused by weather phenomena.
See coverageWater damage
This guarantee covers damage caused by water, leaks and breakage of taps or stopcocks up to the limit of the sum insured, provided that there is no negligence or bad faith on the part of the insured party.
See coverageTheft outside and inside the home
Línea Directa’s theft coverage is voluntary and requires the report to be filed with the Police Authority and to include force or intimidation against people.
See coverage24h door unlocking service
In the event of not being able to enter the home as a result of loss, theft, misplacement of keys or any other accidental event, Línea Directa will cover the costs of travel and labour for a technician to open the door.
See coverageHandyman service
A specialist professional service (with travel, labour and tools) is made available to the insured party for repairs of the following type: fitting of curtains, mirrors, shelves, purging radiators, adjusting taps, fixing blinds and windows, as well as small electrical repairs: replacement of sockets, light bulbs, installing lamps or wall lights. The collection of furniture and household goods for transfer to the Punto Limpio (waste recycling centre) is also included.
Furthermore, if you need to contact Línea Directa, we offer you technical staff 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. These staff will be responsible for assessing your needs and putting you in touch with skilled specialists (plumbers, carpenters, locksmiths, etc.) to deal with your query.