Privacy Policy and personal data processing

a) Data processed by Línea Directa as the sole data controller

Below is the Basic or summarised Information about the processing of your data. Remember that you can obtain further information by accessing the Additional Information or by requesting a copy from the contact addresses indicated in the Data Controller section. In case you have any doubts about any expression, we have In addition included a glossary of privacy terms on our website, highlighting the concepts and expressions that you can consult.

Data Controller

Línea Directa Aseguradora, S.A., with registered office at Isaac Newton 7, 28760 Tres Cantos, Madrid. For any clarification, suggestion or complaint regarding your privacy, Línea Directa has appointed a Data Protection Officer who can be contacted by email at or by post with the subject "Data Protection".

Recipients and Transfers

Your data will always be accessed by as few people and entities as possible, rendering your data anonymous or pseudonymised whenever possible. Thus, in summary, your data may be accessed by (i) Línea Directa, (ii) Common Insurance Industry Information Systems provided for by law in the event of taking out a policy, (iii) entities authorised by you or (iv) that are required by the legislation and (v) approved suppliers that act as processors and with whom confidentiality agreements are signed, including, in the event of transfer of data outside the European Economic Area, the clauses approved by the European Commission Decision, binding corporate rules or other appropriate guarantees provided for in the legislation. See the extended information for more information.

Purposes and Legitimacy

Below is a summary of the main processing operations carried out, including those relating to the use of profiling and/or automated decision-making, grouped together by purpose and legitimacy:

  • Attend to your applications and policy renewals.
  • Determine the insured risk and establish the insurance premium in an objective and impartial manner, consulting solvency files and Common Insurance Industry Information Systems, and using profiling techniques through automated decision-making, as detailed in the additional information.
  • Formalise and execute contracts, and comply with the policies and relationships established with you, which involves managing your access or "log-in" to your personal areas on the website or in an App, and managing and storing telephone calls and website access that serve to explain the purchase or execution of procedures relating to your services or your policy or policies.
  • Communicate data in case of reinsurance, in accordance with the law.
  • Pay for and process losses carrying out investigations authorised by law.
  • Claim against the insurers and parties responsible for a loss, and, in addition, once the compensation has been paid, exercise the rights and actions vested in you as the insured person as a result of the loss.
  • Determine the health care for the injured party, as well as establishing a compensation amount.
  • Pay expenses incurred under health care insurance contracts to health care providers, or reimburse the insured party or their beneficiaries for expenses incurred.
  • Provide provisions, for which we need to create profiles and take automated decisions that allow us to predict the probability of a loss occurring, which involves using your data for these purposes in the generation of statistical studies and models.
  • Keep your data anonymous in order to create such statistical models to comply with the regulations.
  • Keep the account books required by the Commercial Code and other applicable provisions, as well as records of accounts, losses, technical provisions and investments, and carry out accounting audits.
  • Communicate data between companies in the same group for the purpose of complying with the supervisory obligations set out in the law.
  • Communicate your data to Authorities and to Common systems in the insurance sector.
  • Retention of pre-contractual information in accordance with the law, as well as the resolution of complaints.
  • Combating fraud, which is also a public interest mission.
  • Verify, complete and correct data necessary in order to comply with the contract or the law.
  • Verify, complete and correct data required for contracts, in order to speed up the purchasing process, avoiding errors on information that is difficult to know (vehicle chassis number, etc.)
  • Conduct investigations for recruitment and payment of compensation.
  • Transfer to group companies for internal administrative purposes, in order to ensure network and information security, as well as for centralised management of IT resources (intra-group applications and servers) or for the prevention of crime.
  • If you are a legal entity, the data of the contact persons will be processed.
  • Processing necessary to carry out business or corporate transactions that it is necessary or desirable to carry out.
  • Check the quality of the service we provide you with, in particular the telephone service.
  • Market profiling and segmentation to optimally deliver our products and services, in particular the best telephone service through staff who can effectively serve you according to your preferences, interests and needs.
  • Sending commercial communications to customers about our insurance policies and the benefits associated with your policies.
  • Market profiling and segmentation to only send commercial communications that are of interest to you and provide the best telephone service.
  • Verify, complete and correct your data for commercial purposes.
  • Create market behaviour models with anonymised pseudonymised data.
  • Propose that you respond to service quality surveys.
  • Sending commercial communications by email, or equivalent electronic communication means related to our products or services, similar to those initially purchased.
  • Also detect and prevent fraud in the payment of compensation when there is a loss, empowering the regulations for this purpose to carry out the necessary investigations.
  • Carry out a loss analysis, which will sometimes require profiling and automated decision-making in risk selection and insured events management.
  • Control internet access with the same IP, or any given purchasing data, in order to prevent third parties from purchasing on behalf of others.
  • We will process your data for other purposes that you may have consented to, until you withdraw your consent. You can check some examples in the additional information.
Categories and Sources of your data
We collect the data you give us and also use various legally accessible databases for the purposes of setting the lowest possible prices, as well as checking and completing the data provided,. We thereby obtain data categories on vehicle accidents and fraud control from Common Systems in the insurance sector; information on the payment or non-payment of obligations is obtained from credit files; and from public access sources depending on each policy:, from the land registry for home insurance, and from files based on the land registry that combine other public data, the type of home, square metres and demographic data associated with geographical areas are collected; from the DGT (Traffic Department) file for vehicle insurance, and from files based on this, technical and legal data about the vehicle. See the scope of the data categories and their sources in the additional information.
Your rights

You may access, rectify, request cancellation and opposition to the processing of data, both that carried out for legitimate interest and to withdraw consent if you have given it, as well as requesting a restriction to data processing and portability, in the cases and with the scope established by the applicable regulations at any given time. In addition, in cases of automated decision-making for profiling, you may request human intervention, challenge this decision-making and express your objection in accordance with the law. You can direct your request for rights to the postal and electronic addresses indicated in the Responsible section. Unless you indicate otherwise, the details you provide to obtain a quote will be cancelled upon expiry if the insurance is not formalised.

Likewise, in the case of providing details of third parties, such as insured persons, beneficiaries, injured parties, etc., you must have their consent and pass on these clauses to them.