Complaints and objections mailbox

If you're not satisfied, we want to help you

Before submitting formal(*) objection or complaint you can contact us in order to give you a quick reply to your incident.
By calling our phone numbers
Or you can tell us what happened to you and we'll call you back as soon as possible

Information on the objections and complaints procedure

Who can complain

  • Insured persons, policyholders and beneficiaries of insurance purchased with LINEA DIRECTA ASEGURADORA, S.A.
  • Third parties affected by claims arising from insurance contracts signed with LINEA DIRECTA ASEGURADORA, S.A.

When to complain

An objection or complaint can be made when it is considered that any decision adopted by LINEA DIRECTA ASEGURADORA, S.A. does not respect the rights corresponding to the contract signed, provided that:

  • There is a formal decision by LINEA DIRECTA ASEGURADORA, S.A. that denies what the insured person believes corresponds to them or an inactivity of sufficient importance to consider that their rights have been infringed.
  • It does not involve a question submitted or already resolved by a court, or an administrative or arbitrator’s decision.

We want to provide the best service

The Objections and Complaints Department is not a service designed to resolve doubts or incidents related to the purchase, modification and payment of insurance or claims management, for which the Company has dedicated telephone numbers: Contact by phone.
How to complain
  • The complaint or objection must be made in writing, stating the personal details, address, policy number and the facts that justify the complainant's claim and including their signature in the aforementioned document.
  • The complaint or objection shall be addressed to the Objections and Complaints Department at LINEA DIRECTA ASEGURADORA, S.A.:
By post
Línea Directa Objections and Complaints
Isaac Newton, nº 7
28760 Tres Cantos (MADRID)

By email

In accordance with the provisions of Law 59/2003, of 19 December, on Electronic Signatures, or by including a signature of the complainant in the aforementioned email, which you can also use for any additional clarification or query relating to them.


Steps to follow:

  • To send a written Objection or Complaint, it is essential to print it, sign it and, after scanning it as a PDF document, send it to the aforementioned email address.
  • To send the Objection or Complaint form, available on the website, it is essential to print it, sign it and, after scanning it as a PDF document, send it to the aforementioned email address.
Everything related to our Objections and Complaints procedure and policy is available below in the attached document.
Línea Directa Aseguradora, S.A, dando cumplimiento a lo establecido en el artículo 40.5. de la Ley 7/2017, de 2 de noviembre, por la que se incorpora al ordenamiento jurídico español la Directiva 2013/11/UE, del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo, de 21 de mayo de 2013, le facilita el acceso a la plataforma europea para la resolución alternativa de conflictos,, no estando esta entidad adherida al Sistema Arbitral de Consumo.

 (*) If you are not satisfied with the Company's decision, please note that Línea Directa Aseguradora, S.A. has a Complaints and Objections Department and a Financial Ombudsman, whose aim is to process and resolve our customers' complaints and objections, all in accordance with the provisions of Ministerial Order ECO 734/2004, of 11 March, and its own operating regulations, for which purpose we inform you of the procedure to be followed.