Squatter Protection Insurance Financial Compensation
Línea Directa's Squatter Protection Insurance offers you the following financial compensation to make it easier.
Repairing the damage to the home once it has been recovered
In the event that your home has been squatted and has as a result been damaged, Línea Directa covers the provision of the service or reimbursement to help you with the cost of repairs.
With this compensation you will therefore be able to cover the following:
Alternative accommodation costs
If your main home has been illegally squatted and you have had to find alternative accommodation, we will cover the costs for up to six months.
Eviction management fees
If it is necessary to evict the squatters, we will cover the locksmith's expenses derived from the opening of the insured property, as well as the cost of replacing the lock with one of similar characteristics.
Cost of utilities
Even if your home has been squatted, you will still have to pay the utility bills: water, gas, electricity, etc.
With our insurance, we cover financial compensation for expenses incurred during the squatting period. To do so, you will have to submit a document certifying the following:
- That at least one month has passed since the squatting and that utility bills were payable during the time that the insured home was squatted.
- The start of eviction proceedings.
- The home was not rented out at the time of the squatting.
Loss of rent
If you were thinking of renting out your home, but it has been squatted and as a result you will not be able to receive the monthly rent, this cover provides financial compensation to offset these losses.
This compensation requires compliance with the following conditions:
- At least one month has passed since the squatting.
- Eviction proceedings must have been initiated.