Motorbike Insurance with nighttime assistance coverage

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If you can't ride home, we'll take you.

We can offer to transport both you and your motorbike to your home address in the case that you have consumed alcohol or find yourself unable to ride. Night-time asistance for motorbike

This service is completely free of charge and has no effect whatsoever on the price of your policy renewal.

  • For the rider declared in the policy. Any day of the week, from midnight to 7:00 a.m.
  • Whitin a 25 km radius from the pick up point and only in Spanish territory.
  • Subject to availability of taxis and tow trucks.
  • Only available to those who have previously taken out breakdown asisstance

Línea Directa reserves the right to reject further requests for this courtesy service if the customer uses it inappropriately, in cases such as his or her absence at the agreed pick-up time, cancellation of the service once the service provider is en route, or using the service more than 4 times a month.

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