Car insurance with technical and mechanical assistance service

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Service included in the travel assistance coverage, with telephone technical and mechanical assistance.

Vehicle Transfer to the ITV (MOT)

Your safety is important to us, and ensuring your vehicle is in perfect condition is essential. That’s why we look after taking your car to pass the MOT  totally free of charge. A certified driver will pick it up at the address shown in the policy or at the insured's place of work and will return it again once the procedure has been completed. That's how easy it is to use this service!

Online mechanical assistance

If a car dashboard warning light comes on, we help you to interpret it, and in the case of a breakdown, we will arrange a prior appointment at one of our partner garages . If it is necessary to carry out a diagnosis to identify the fault, we look after the cost.

Advice for mechanical repairs

From offering a mechanical repair quote at the partner garages or a second opinion about one supplied by the insured; even collecting and delivering the vehicle at the selected partner garage, if it is located at a maximum distance of 5 kilometres from the home address, are just some of the advantages of this service.

Review of active safety elements

The insured may request an annual visual inspection of the insured vehicle's active safety features at Línea Directa's approved garages.

Take advantage and make the most of all the Car Insurance benefits that Línea Directa offers you.

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