What is Voluntary Civil Liability (VCL)?

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Voluntary Civil Liability is an extension that insurers give to the compulsory insurance to cover the damages that exceed the maximum amount established by law and to cover the expenses of third parties in an accident.


As we have already explained, if your car is registered, regardless of whether you drive it or keep it parked in the garage, it is always necessary to have Compulsory Civil Liability coverage permanently included in third-party insurance.
Voluntary Civil Liability

Even though the amounts covered by Compulsory Civil Liability are very high since the regulation was modified in this area, 70 million euros in case of injuries to people and 15 million in case of material damage to vehicles and property, you could be unlucky enough to be involved in an accident and see the costs exceed these figures.

In that case, if you have not purchased Voluntary Civil Liability insurance the difference between the established limit and the total cost would have to be paid out of your own pocket.

At Línea Directa, we consider that beyond the obligation of having Compulsory Civil Liability insurance, it is also necessary to have Voluntary Civil Liability coverage and, therefore, we have included it in all our types of insurance; from the most basic, third-party insurance, to the medium level, extended third-party insurance, and finally comprehensive insurance.

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